Often times when their “condition” is known by others it is treated as just that, a “condition”. One that must surely resolve with time, rest, and just not dwelling on it. They are advised by those closest to them not to be too sad because, “you could always try again”, or “it’s ok because at least you have other children”, or the worst, “God just needed your baby in Heaven”. Not only are these women left alone to deal with the trauma of their baby dying, they are left with feelings of guilt because, for a truly loving mother or father, there is no way to just get over it or move on.
If the baby that died
at 8, 20, or 40 weeks in utero were to be born alive and then tragically die as a
child or teenager the family would receive endless amounts of support (as they
should). What’s the difference?
Should love, care, sadness,
or grief be measured by age or size? Absolutely not. A parent’s love remains
the same for their children no matter the age, size, or gestational age they
may be. If you ask me, that’s nothing to feel guilty about. Nothing at all to
be ashamed of. It’s definitely nothing to belittle.Whether you were 6 weeks pregnant or 40 weeks pregnant, Hudson’s Bands of Hope wants you to know that your baby is worth crying over. They’re worth the pain, sadness, and suffering.
Have you received a bracelet before? Have you sent one to a loved one? It is more than just a piece of jewelry. It’s acceptance. It’s telling you that your baby matters and your grief is ok. It’s telling you that regardless of the number of alive children you have, that baby you carried could never be replaced. It’s a priceless and one-of-a-kind human being that deserves shameless love, and sometimes that shameless love means shameless tears.
Would you help me? Let’s make it our goal to let every parent of a stillborn or miscarried baby know that their child matters and they are not alone. I would love to reach them all and I can’t do it alone.
I’ve mentioned previously that we have a golf outing coming up soon. What If every golfer that was there were representing a baby in Heaven? Do you know a golfer who could represent yours? Or your sister’s, friend’s, neighbors, or co-workers? Could you tell them about our golf outing?
Not only could each golfer represent a baby but each one
that is there represents about 5 women who will be touched by HBOH, monetarily
speaking. Please, go tell everyone you know about the golf outing. Let them
know how important this is.
For more information
about the outing you can visit www.hbohgolfouting.com
Sincere thanks to you for your support and heart, along with
mine, to put your arms around grieving mothers everywhere.
<3 Misty